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China Courage Permanent Magnet Manufacturer

14 Years High Performance Permanent Magnet Supplier & Factory

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How many gauss and pull are 8mm diameter rare earth magnets?

Diameter 8mm rare earth magnets usually refers to neodymium-iron-boron material magnets, 8mm is a more popular size, mostly used in handicrafts, fishing gear, electronics, toys, LED ceiling lamps, etc., there are netizens who would like to know about its magnetic force, the following is the introduction of the Courage Magnet Manufacturer Xiaofu.

2 pieces of 8mm x 3mm neodymium magnets spaced 1cm apart can be sucked against each other.

2 pieces of 8mm x 3mm neodymium magnets

The following data on surface magnetic field strength and tensile pull strength of common N35 grade 8mm diameter rare earth neodymium magnets are for reference only and will vary according to their specific grade, magnetization direction and shape.

8mm x 0.5mm ultra-thin round powerful magnet with a surface gauss value of approx. 780 gauss and a tensile strength of approx. 0.07kg.

Flat circular magnets with a diameter of 8mm and a thickness of 1mm have a center gauge magnetic strength of about 1350 gauss, and the edge gauge magnetic strength will be higher, with a pull strength of about 0.18kg.

Thin circular magnet with a diameter of 8mm and a thickness of 1.5mm, with a center gauge magnetic strength of about 1900 gauss and a pull strength of about 480g, 0.48kg.

Round NdFeB magnet with a diameter of 8mm and a thickness of 2mm has a center gauge magnetic strength of about 2400 Gauss and a tensile strength of about 0.8kg.

Disc NdFeB magnet with a diameter of 8mm and a thickness of 3mm has a center gauge magnetic strength of about 3180 gauss and a tensile strength of about 1kg.

Neodymium iron boron circular magnet with a diameter of 8mm and a thickness of 5mm, with a center surface magnetic strength of approximately 4080 Gauss and a pull strength of approximately 1.5kg.

Related 8mm rare earth magnets: High Corrosion Resistance Disc SmCo Magnet Dia 8mm x 5mm

When the diameter is constant and the height increases, the surface magnetic field strength and pull strength also increase.

Worth knowing:

Gauss is the strength of the magnetic field at the surface of the magnet, while pull is the maximum force of attraction between the magnet and a ferrous object.

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