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Why are countersunk hole magnets mostly rare earth neodymium?

Whether it is round countersunk hole magnets or rectangular, square countersunk hole magnets, some countersunk screw hole magnets we can see are mostly made of neodymium, why is this?

Reason 1: Magnetic Strength Requirement

Magnets with countersunk holes mainly play the role of fixed adsorption, there are certain requirements for magnetic strength, and NdFeB magnets are currently the strongest permanent magnetic material, far stronger than several other permanent magnetic materials, so it is a very ideal choice.

The picture below shows a very common round countersunk hole magnet

very common round countersunk hole magnet

Reason 2: Easy customized processing

NdFeB magnets are relatively easy to machine, and can be processed in various sizes required by customers, big or small, thin or thick are no problem, and do not need molds, also do not need mold costs. On the contrary, ceramic ferrite, even ordinary round, square are required to mold to do out, not to mention this sinkhole magnets, processing difficulties, mold costs are high.

Reason 3: Good temperature resistance

NdFeB magnets can withstand temperatures ranging from 80-200°C. This temperature range basically meets the application scenarios of most customers.

Reason 4: Cost-effective

Although ferrite is cheap in unit price, it needs mold fee and has average magnetic performance. Compared with samarium cobalt magnets, the unit price is cheaper and the magnetic properties are better. NdFeB has a good balance between strong performance and relatively low cost, so it has a high cost performance ratio.

The above points are permanent magnet manufacturer Xiao Fu for you to introduce why most of the sinkhole magnets are made of neodymium material, I hope to help you understand, need to customize, wholesale sinkhole permanent magnets welcome to contact.

Like this magnet? You can click neodymium countersunk magnets to see our processing examples.

Other countersunk hole magnets FAQ;

Why ring neodymium magnets need to process countersunk hole shape?

What is the difference between a countersunk hole magnet and a straight hole magnet?

How to customize neodymium magnet with M4 countersunk hole?

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