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How many Gauss is a fridge magnets?

Fridge magnets are a common item in home life and are often used to hold sticky notes, photos or decorations on the refrigerator door. Although these magnets may seem simple, their performance is actually determined by a number of factors.In this article, we'll take a look at the Gauss strength of magnets for this purpose.

Gauss value of refrigerator sticker magnets

Typically, refrigerator magnets have a magnetic field strength of between 200 and 1,500 gauss. This range of gauss is strong enough to keep the magnet firmly attached to the metal surface of the refrigerator, but not so strong that it is difficult to remove or cause damage to the surface of the refrigerator.

Fridge disc magnet with adhesive backing

Fridge disc magnet with adhesive backing

Refrigerator sticker magnets commonly used are rubber soft magnets and ceramic ferrite magnets, the picture below shows the rubber magnetic strips, how long you need to cut how long.


Refrigerator magnet specific gauss value depends on the magnet's material and size, shape, using rubber magnet is relatively weak, generally only three or four hundred gauss, ferrite magnets can reach five or six hundred gauss, and the use of rare earth neodymium thin magnet can reach more than 1000 gauss.

Example of fridge magnet gauss (for reference);

The 25mm x 3mm ferrite disk magnet has a gauss value of around 800 gauss.

The 12x1mm rare earth circular magnet has a gauss value of around 1000 gauss.

Above is the introduction of the article refrigerator (fridge) magnet gauss how many, for a quote, consult other use problems can contact us.

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