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China Courage Permanent Magnet Manufacturer

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Surface strength of multi-pole magnetic ring related to how many poles?

Multi-pole magnetic ring is a ring magnet with multiple NS poles, a customer asked yesterday the surface magnetic strength of multi-pole magnetic ring and how many magnetic poles related? Today motor magnet manufacturer courage xiaofu to do a simple answer to this question.

Yes, multi-pole magnetic ring table magnetism and the number of magnetic poles is related to the magnetic ring table magnetic strength by the number of magnetic poles, polarity and arrangement of the influence.

Number of Magnetic Poles: Increasing the number of magnetic poles in a ring usually increases the apparent magnetic strength, this is because more magnetic poles produce more magnetic field lines, resulting in an increase in the apparent magnetic strength.

Picture shows a multi-pole sintered ferrite permanent magnet ring.

multi-pole sintered ferrite permanent magnet ring

Arrangement of Magnetic Poles: The arrangement of the magnetic poles also affects the magnetic strength of the meter. For example, if the poles are evenly distributed on the ring, the magnetic field will be symmetrical. Conversely, if the poles are unevenly distributed or arranged in a specific pattern, the magnetic field distribution will be uneven.

Magnetic pole polarity: The polarity of the magnetic poles also affects the apparent magnetic strength, with the north pole and south pole polarity of the magnetic poles affecting the magnetic field differently.

In short, the surface magnetic strength of multi-pole magnetic ring is affected by the number of magnetic poles, arrangement and polarity, the more the number of magnetic poles, the more uniform the surface magnetism, the magnetic field strength will be increased accordingly, these characteristics will affect the magnetic performance and effect of the multi-pole magnetic ring in use.

The above is the introduction about whether the magnetic strength of multi-pole magnetic ring is related to the number of magnetic poles, if your company has multi-pole axial/radial magnetic ring purchase demand can contact us for your quotation.

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