This is a 9mm diameter round magnet, the material is rare earth NdFeb magnet, the diameter is 9mm, the thickness is 1mm, weight 0.5g, the product tolerance is ±0.05mm, the appearance is silvery white. vertical tension is about 0.2kg, The product can be widely used in medical equipment,Engine, sound, electronics, luggage magnetic buckle and everywhere you need magnets.
Can we customize the product according to customer’s enquiry?
Of course! We have our own processing line, you can provide your need and quantity to us, we will customize the product and give the corresponding price and shipment time.
What we can customize?
We can customize the content: specifications and sizes, magnetic direction, surface coating color, material, working temperature, etc.
Correct split form:
1.Use the thumb to move the top magnet away long distance, avoid adsorption and collision, and cause fragmentation.
2.When two magnets are needed to suck, avoid the collision and crushing of the air suction.Both hands should grasp the magnet from the edge slowly at the same time , and be carefully.
Thinner and smaller round magnets are recommended;