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The magnet in the earphone [material principle place]

The use of magnets in electronic products has become very popular. When daisy took a taxi home last weekend, I met a boss who was doing foreign trade of headphones in Dongguan. During the chat, we talked about foreign trade and daisy told him that I am in the foreign trade magnet industry. And he said, "What a coincidence! I do headphones in the foreign trade industry, you should know that our headphones also use magnets!" Yes, magnets are also used in headphones, like your airpod.

So what about magnets in headphones(earphone)? What is the material? How does it work? Where is the magnet mounted?Today I will answer them for you.

The shaped and material of headphone magnets

The headphone generally used small round magnet, and the material is ferrite or neodymium magnet. In fact, most of high quality headphone manufacturers are used neodymium, because neodymium magnet has greater performance than ferrite.

Advantages of using neodymium magnets for headphones:

  • Light weight. Neodymium magnets are lighter than many magnets and easier to process small size.
  • Performance: We all know that neodymium magnets are better than ferrites in both magnetic and magnetic stability, and have high coercivity and high energy density. These advantages make neodymium magnets a natural advantage in electronic technology.

  • Good mechanical characteristics: This makes the mechanical connection between the parts and the main parts more flexible, reducing the limitation of configuration and assembly.

  • Not easy to demagnetization, magnetic if not influenced by outside factors are almost not demagnetization, and magnetic force much stronger than normal magnet, so can increase the sensitivity of headphones, also is to make the input signal intensity when the volume is bigger.

  • Easy to process small size: Ferrite compared with neodymium magnets, it is not easy to make small size magnets. And although the price of neodymium magnets is not as low as ferrite, the demand for small sizes Narrows the gap between prices. Of course, many headphones of a few dollars will use ferrite, after all, the cost is low.

The role of the magnet in the headset:

The effect of the magnet is to create a permanent magnetic field, which will attract and repel the charged diaphragm or the conductor that controls the diaphragm.

  • The reason why there is a magnet in the headset is that the sound unit of the headset can interact with the coil through the audio signal through the magnetic field formed by the magnet to convert the audio signal (electric energy) into sound, so that the earphone diaphragm moves back and forth to vibrate the air to produce sound.

  • The coil inside the headset generates a changing magnetic field through the audio current. The variable magnetic field and the fixed magnetic field interact, the same polar magnetic field repels each other, and the different polar magnetic field attracts each other. Because the audio current strength is constantly changing, the force of the magnetic field interaction is also constantly changing, and the acoustic film of the headset is constantly vibrating, thus producing sound.

  • The magnetic field strength of headphones is relatively small, and the effect on the human body can be ignored. However, it is recommended not to use headphones too often, because if you carry them in the narrow space of the ear canal, it will create a closed space and cause more damage to the eardrum.

Moving-coil earphone principle: At present, the vast majority (about 99% or more) of earbuds are of this kind, the principle is similar to that of ordinary speakers, the coil in the permanent magnet field is connected to the diaphragm, and the coil is driven by the signal current to drive the diaphragm to emit sound. There is a magnet in the moving-coil headset, and its main function is to establish a permanent magnetic field. There is also a thin diaphragm to which a coil is fixed and placed in a permanent magnetic field. When the sound signal current flows through the coil, the coil also generates a magnetic field, and interacts with the permanent magnetic field, the force is transmitted to the diaphragm. Because the sound signal current is constantly changing, the effect of the two magnetic fields is also constantly changing, so that the silent film vibrates, and the vibration of the diaphragm makes a sound.

Where the magnet inside the earphone is in the earphone?

The magnet in the headset is usually housed in the driver of the headset. The driver is the core component of the headset, which is responsible for converting electrical signals into sound. The driver contains a small magnet and a coil, and when the signal is input, the coil is subjected to the magnetic field of the magnet in the driver, which produces the sound. Thus, the magnet is located in the center of the driver, corresponding to the coil. Usually, the left and right sides of the headset will be equipped with drivers, so the magnets on the left and right sides are basically the same.

Different types of headphones also differ in the placement of magnets. For example, the magnet for moving-coil headphones is usually larger because it needs to generate a stronger magnetic field to drive the headset. Balanced headphones place magnets in the front of the headphones to reduce the impact on sound quality.

The above is something about headphone, like the material, principle and place. The headphone magnet is small round neodymium magnets, this is our compony's advantage. If you have any requirment, please contact us and provide your drawing and demand!

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