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10mm Neodymium Disc Magnet Gauss And Pull Force

Diameter 10mm neodymium magnets due to the moderate size, the market demand is very large, common 10x1mm, 10x2mm, 10x3mm, 10x5mm, 10x10mm, etc., some of the requirements of the thinner such as 10mm x 0.5mm, today's article to introduce their gauss and pull strength.

The picture below shows the size of a 10mm diameter rare earth neodymium round magnets.

10mm diameter rare earth neodymium round magnet

The following 10mm diameter strong magnet surface magnetism and pulling force data are for reference only and are subject to change.

10mm x 1.5mm round neodymium magnet, N38 performance grade, about 1800gs, magnetic pull about 860g

N52 with a diameter of 10mm and a thickness of 2mm, the surface magnetism is about 2700gs, and the tensile force is about 1.4kg

10mm x 3mm thick circular neo magnet, n45 grade, the magnetic strength is about 3390gs, and the pulling force is about 1.9kg

D10 x 5mm round neodymium magnet, N38 grade, surface magnetism about 4450gs, pulling force strength about 2.5kg

D10 x 6mm disc ndfeb magnet, n38 performance, Gauss about 4800gs, pulling force about 2.9kg

Temperature resistant 120°C 35H grade D10x10mm neodymium magnets with an apparent magnetic strength of approximately 4860 gauss and  pull strength of approximately 3.4kg.

Note: Magnet pull and apparent magnetic data can be affected by a number of factors such as performance class, size and shape, magnetization method, external magnetic field, temperature, etc.

Hot product recommendation;

Strong Thin Neodymium Magnet Disc 10mm x 0.4mm Thick

High strength rod ndfeb magnet 10x15mm >5000 gauss

Gold plated neodymium magnet round D10x2mm (3/8"x 1/16")

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